This is a type of message or alert that can pop up on both mobile devices and desktops and can be sent by a publisher at any time. In order to receive push notifications, the end user must give permission thru what’s known as opt-in.

What to Expect?
Unlike SMS and email alerts, personal information is not required in order to opt-in. Therefore, push notifications tend to have higher opt-in rates as compared to email and SMS. Users who had previously subscribed to push notifications can also be re-engaged at a future date with relevant content which is another big advantage. This data is also owned and controlled by Winning Media and our diversified portfolio of web site properties.
Push Alerts
Most news and media websites will use push alerts to share an exciting news story or an event with its users without having the user visit its website.
However, an effective digital awareness campaign can also use push notifications to redirect traffic to other channels on our platform such as landing pages, social networks and influencer channels.
Therefore, it’s important to have an eye catching headline which can engage a user and get them to take the desired action which typically entails clicking on the headline.

In Conclusion
When properly utilized, push notification engagement tends to lead to a more immediate response as compared to other channels.
This makes them an effective tool that we utilize at the right moment in order to help share your story and get more eyes on the prize.